Total Defense Immunity Blend : Stay Protected by Boosting Immunity


Total Defense Immunity BlendToday in this global epidemic caused by Novel Coronavirus no one is safe as we are likely to get the infection easily because it is contagious virus. The only way to stay safe and protected from the deadly virus is by washing the hands regularly after touching any exposed surface and boosting the immunity to strengthen the body to combat against free radicals and this deadly virus. Proper hygiene and sanitization is necessary according to doctor and keeping the immunity stronger is utmost crucial to fight against COVID-19 and survive in this dangerous epidemic. Total Defense Immunity Blend can give your immune system the required boost and strength it to combat against this deadly virus efficiently.

Total Defense Immunity Blend is the powerful mix of healthy substances that focus on strengthening the immunity and wellbeing, while making your system stronger to combat against the deadly virus and prevent it from harming your body. It comprises of natural blend of clinically approved ingredients that eliminate the toxin build-up in body and boost the immunity in all natural way. It enhances the natural body system and these results in better functioning of the system. Since it strengthens the immunity of your body, you are less likely to get infected, ill and sick, especially during this present pandemic caused by COVID-19.

About Total Defense Immunity Blend!

Total Defense Immunity Blend is the immunity booster that is formulated using different essential oils that have the power to combat against the deadly virus and germs. By boosting the immunity of your body it helps you to stay protected and compact against the viruses efficiently. It strengthens the immune system to let you fight against the bacteria and viruses and also boosts circulation of blood across body to prevent bacteria from infecting your system. This is the formula that protects the users and gives them a shield against deadly virus and bacteria.        

Total Defense Immunity Blend purifies the bloodstream instantly and promotes better flow and strengthens the immunity to combat against the viruses and free radicals efficiently. The formula is also used as sanitizer that kills all germs in exposed surfaces. The essential oils included in the formula moisturize your skin when used as sanitizer.

What are the Elements Included in Total Defense Immunity Blend?

In order to support the wellness and health of the users, natural ingredients are included in the formula that not only boost and strengthen the immunity, but also shield the system from deadly viruses and bacteria. Some of the key elements included in the formula are:

  • Lemon extract
  • Clove Oil
  • Rosmarinus
  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Mentha Spicata
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Wild Marjoram

These were some of the essential oils and natural substances included in the formula. It has a soothing effect and smell that clam your brain and nerves and also offer therapeutic benefits. You can use it for strengthening the immunity and inner system of your body and also to sanitize your hand and exposed surfaces. 

How to Use Total Defense Immunity Blend?

Total Defense Immunity Blend is the oil based formula that you need to use it by mixing it with carrier oil. The precise dosing of the formula may vary depending upon the age and health of the users and hence it is suggested that you consult your doctor prior to using the formula.

The label of the formula has complete information regarding the dosing. You need to follow the guidelines carefully while using it and ensure that you use the formula as prescribed to see results in 15-30 days. It is the fast acting formula and can be used as immune booster.

Is There Any Side Effect?

No side effects have been reported by the users of Total Defense Immunity Blend. But you need to use the formula as prescribed to see effective results. You need to use the formula as prescribed to see effective results without any side effects. You may inhale it, apply it on affected areas, and use as sanitizer for surfaces.

Where to Buy?

Total Defense Immunity Blend is not available at drug store or retail store near you and hence you need to visit its official website to place order for monthly supply of the formula. 

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